„E.T. call home“ – E.T. Extra-terrestrial Postoje. Ne postoje. Otimaju nam krave. Otimaju nas. Presreću avione. Stvaraju čudne formacije na nebu. Nestaju nevjerojatnim brzinama. Bio je to meteorološki balon. Sve smo to već čuli, vjerujemo svašta, ovisno od čovjeka do čovjeka. No ipak, priznat ćete, u zadnje vrijeme kao da takve priče iskaču iz paštete. Svaki dan barem jedan članak, jedan video, jedna … [više]
Razgovori sa H_H dio 5.
Fifth Session: HH: This will be our last session together. I will do my very best to pack in as much as we can. I am sorry for those who must have missed my earlier post from yesterday which clearly stated that I already have more questions than I have time to answer, and that you have spent the time in writing our new ones. My time is so limited, I am unable to respond to you. I have a long … [više]
Razgovori sa H_H dio 4.
Fourth Session: HH: Ok, as I stated, unfortunately my remaining time is shorter than planned. This was unforeseen and unavoidable. I will not have sufficient time to answer all of your questions, so I will for the most part, focus my remaining time with you, upon responding to those questions that I feel to be from the heart, ones asked by those who are genuinely looking to take something away with them … [više]
Razgovori sa H_H dio 3.
Third Session: ATS: Im wondering if you can help me. My name is Shelby David, and I am here for the coming trials and tribulations. I am a part of Quetzalcoatl, or the rebirth of it, as far as I know. I know many of your words to be true because I had already re-discovered these truths through finding that which resonated most with me through the various belief structures of this planet. HH: Good … [više]
Razgovori sa H_H dio 2.
Second Session: ATS: How do you know that your bloodline deserves to lead and the rest deserve to follow? Wealth and power is self-propagating therefore I say to you that your bloodline only comprises the 'extreme elite' of the world because your ancestors came to power by chance in the beginning, not because your kind are special. In fact, there's nothing special, clever or honourable in enslaving … [više]
Razgovori sa Illuminati insajderom dio 1.
Prije nekoliko dana dobila sam vrlo zanimljivo štivo koje sam odlučila postaviti ovdje na blog, u 5 dijelova jer je zbilja dugačko. Tako ću svaki razgovor tj seansu odvojiti u poseban post. Oprostit ćete mi što je na engleskom, ali zbilja ima puno toga za prevoditi, nebum gotova do 2012.g. :-D. O čemu se radi, ukratko. Dakle gospodin "Hidden Hand" tj Skrivena Ruka govori o tome tko ili što su oni … [više]